Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome Home Ashley!

Ashley was being too stubborn to come out on her own so we made it all the way up to our induction date. The whole experience was pretty traumatic, but well worth it.
I was admitted at 9pm on July 6th and the nurses prepared me for labor. First was the IV. The last time I had an IV was when I had my wisdom teeth removed five years ago. However, at that time I was put to sleep before the IV was placed. This is my first IV I've ever gotten while I was awake. The nurse used a very large needle and jabbed it into the back of my right hand just behind the base of my thumb. The vein she had targeted seemed elusive as she chased it around for a while with the needle...ouchie. She eventually penetrated it and within seconds, the vein blew...ouchie. She pulled out the needle and began squeezing the blood out that was pooling under my skin. I didn't realize that I was hyperventilating, I felt pretty calm but in a lot of pain. However, I began to feel faint and nauseated. The nurse let me rest for a few minutes while breathing into a bag. After I began to feel better, she tried the IV again, this time with a smaller needle (why she didn't use the smaller needle in the first place is beyond me). Attempting a different vein on the same hand, she was successful right away. The antibiotics and pitocin were added to the IV machine and I was left to rest for a while. Nurses came in periodically throughout the night to replace the antibiotic bag and increase the level of pitocin.
Contractions started within minutes. I could feel them, but they were not painful at all. It simply felt like a tightening sensation. I was able to sleep through them pretty easily. The only thing that made it difficult to sleep was the fact that I truly had to pee every fifteen minutes. The IV fluids combined with the contractions made my bladder very uncomfortable.
The pitocin dosage was increased in small increments every couple of hours until the nurses were satisfied with the intensity and frequency of my contractions. I decided not to receive pain medications until I felt I really needed it. For most of the next day (July 7th),  I did just fine without pain medication. The worst part was the fact that I was not allowed to eat from the time I was checked in. By the time I delivered, I went about 26 hours without food. By about 2pm, my contractions had become very painful, but not intolerable. The nurses and my doctor all marveled at how I was able to handle the very intense contractions without pain medication. I felt I was starting to lose my energy due to the pain, though, so I asked for a quick shot of pain meds in my IV. That stuff was great! It knocked me completely out in under a minute. I woke up an hour labor in serious pain. By then, me strength was almost completely gone. Both exhausted and starving, I was losing my battle with the pain that was draining me. At 4:30, I yielded to an epidural. That was probably the worst part of the whole ordeal. I was asked to lay on my left side to be given the epidural. At the time, I was in the middle of the most intense contraction thus far. Laying on my side increased the pain by about 400%. I was crying hysterically. The anesthesiologist had an emergency C-section he had to get to right away, so he had no time to numb me before inserting the "drill bit" into my spine...while I was still in that horrible contraction that I was already in the most terrible pain for. I had no idea what to expect from the epidural. I had no idea that the worst pain of my life laying on my side there was about increase dramatically. Again, there was not time to numb my back before inserting the needle, so I felt everything. I felt the very large needle penetrate my back, and then my spine. As it entered the spine, I felt and heard several popping sounds. I thought I was going to die. I don't know how I did not pass out from the pain. After he finished, I was rolled back onto my back. It took a few minutes for the medication to kick in. Once it did, I was still able to feel very intense contractions, but it took the edge off. My legs went numb right away. At 4:40, I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. At 4:53, after about 5 pushes, she was born.

The labor and delivery experience was terrible for me. I often have nightmares about the experience. I suppose I probably have mild post-traumatic stress. But again, it was worth it. I feel I went to hell and back to bring this baby into the world and I would do it again...hopefully not anytime soon.

Monday, June 28, 2010

39 Weeks

 Yesterday morning, I experienced my first "false alarm". I woke up at about 4:15am feeling like I had really bad gas. The feeling stayed for a couple of minutes, then faded. At 4:22, it happened again, and at 4:29, 4:35, 4:40, 4:45, 4:50, 4:55, 5:00... Stephen and I neither one got any sleep all that night so I knew he was awake. I told him I had been cramping off and on for the previous hour. We decided to go get checked out at the birthing center just in case it was labor. We got ready and off we went. I got checked in at 5:45am and had to wear a contraction monitor and a fetal heartbeat monitor. My cervix was checked immediately and was at 2-2.5cm. It was checked again an hour and a half later (rather roughly I might add... ouchie), there was no change. The nurse left the room to contact my OB and returned to tell me that I could go home. The conclusion was that I was experiencing cramps and some Braxton Hicks contractions, but not real labor. She also mentioned that it was good that I came to get checked to make sure it wasn't real labor and that I should not have felt guilty for coming in.
I am still getting a few cramps here and there but otherwise there is nothing to report. I am a little curious to see how I will handle labor. I am not the "double over in pain" kinda gal. I wonder if there is a possibility that just like these cramps, the early labor wont bother me a whole lot and I may not know I am in labor at all. I guess I am hoping my water breaks at home just prior to contractions so that I will know for sure that I am truly in labor.

There are several online sources that states that eating fresh pineapple can help the cervix get ready for labor. Well, I went to the supermarket which just so happened to be running a sale on pineapples. I grabbed one, took it home, and sliced it up. I ate about a fourth of it. So far, the only thing I have to show for it is happy taste buds, stinging lips, and a nice skin rash on my hands from the juice. But, I figure if nothing else, it is always good to get a little more fruit in my diet. I love pineapple. I'll keep nibbling on it, about a fourth of it every day until it is gone and see if it helps. If not, a little extra vitamin C certainly could not hurt.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

38 Weeks

 Another week has gone by and still no delivery yet. I have noticed an increase in cramps and back pain lately which is something I mentioned to my doctor. She said it was normal. However, at my appointment today, my blood pressure was high again and the doctor sent me upstairs to labor and delivery to be monitored for a while. The thing is, I know why my pressure was high, but she didn't seem to really believe me. The reason it was high is because I was sitting there naked from the waist down with only a paper towel to cover up with knowing that she was about to check my cervix. As the door opened and closed I could see men standing out there with their wives and I was very nervous about feeling exposed. I mean I am always so anxious when I have to sit there naked with the door opening and closing that I just almost want to cry. So, because she feels like my pressure has been too high every time I come to see her, she is going to induce labor the day before I am due if I do not go into natural labor before then. At least I can wait up until my due date. I feel a little better that she is not trying to induce me too early. I feel like it is just best to let my body do things naturally. So, I really hope I go into labor before the induction date.

Right now, I am feeling exhausted, a little scared, and anxious about the impending delivery. However, I am excited that we will soon have our precious little baby in our arms.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

37 Weeks

Almost there! So close and yet so far. I am really getting anxious now about...well everything: the labor, the birth, but mostly seeing my baby girl for the first time.

I found this little quote on a baby website and I wanted to comment on it:
"It was instant love between me and my daughter. It's so primal and natural. I thought it would take at least a few hours, but my love for my daughter has been fiercer than I ever thought it would be from the second she was placed on my chest. – sophieg74"

My comment is that I don't have to wait to see my daughter in order to feel an intense love for her. I already do. I have loved her from the moment she was conceived. I know that my love will grow for her as I get to know her, but my heart is full for her right this second. I pray for her every day. I pray that she is healthy, will be born without complications, and that she will live a happy life. I pray also for guidance and wisdom from the Lord on how to raise this child.

Lately, I have been having some slight cramps down below. I am not sure, but from what I am reading it may be a result of those false labor contractions. It doesn't really hurt and I hardly notice it most of the time. Other times, I can't tell if I'm just a little gassy instead. Apart from that, I have rally had trouble sleeping lately. Between having to get up to pee in the middle of the night and insomnia from the impeding delivery, it is difficult to get a lot of rest. When I do sleep, my dreams are often disturbing. I am told it is just nerves. My dear husband, Stephen, however, has been wonderful. He is so supportive and has been especially sweet lately it seems. He mentioned that he was concerned that we would not get as much snuggle time for the two of us once our daughter is born. I reassured him that there would be plenty of time for snuggling. We have been married a little over a year now, yet the honeymoon phase has never fully worn off. I would much prefer to still be in honeymoon phase when we are in our old age.

I am so incredibly blessed. Life has not always been a basket of cherries, but I can't say I would trade any of part of it. My husband and I are still very much in puppy love and have been very content in our lives up to this point. A daughter on the way only adds a rich and wonderful icing to an already delicious cake. I am so glad that she will grow up in a happy home where she is loved and adored by parents who love and adore each other as well.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

36 Weeks

 Boy have I had a rough week! Here it is Thursday and I have been really sick since Tuesday. The doctor (my PCP) said I have a serious sinus infection and a double ear infection. Yuck! I feel just crummy.
I have another appointment with my OB tomorrow morning. She is going to perform a strep test to check for bacteria in the birth canal. I can imagine, though, that because I am now on antibiotics for this nasty sinus infection that she probably wont find any bacteria growing anywhere else in my body either.
I believe Ashley is doing just fine even though I feel like crap. She has been kicking and dancing away as usual. I'm glad to think that she doesn't feel as bad as I do right now. These medications I am taking should help me feel better soon.

This Sunday is June 13, our one year wedding anniversary. I am supposed to go pick up a free cake from the place that made our wedding cake tomorrow. I just hope I feel up to having a good time this weekend. Our cake topper is still in the freezer and looks like it fared the year well in there. I'll be taking it out to thaw either tonight or tomorrow to make sure it is good to go for Sunday. I am really looking forward to this. I love my hubby so much!

Friday, June 4, 2010

35 Weeks

  Tired, bigger, slower, but getting more excited every day. We have our first baby shower planned for this weekend in Okmulgee. I am very glad that my mother is coming with us. I also can't express how thankful I am that someone is throwing us a shower at all. We really need a lot of things and do not have boatloads of money to get them. I was a little worried that we were cutting it a little close with these baby showers. My mother plans on having one for me too but at the last weekend this month, which is the week before I am due. Cutting it REALLY close. But who said it needs to happen before she is born? However, it sure would help so that we can be fully prepared for her arrival.

Ashley still moves and grooves in my tummy all the time. And there appear to be no problems with the pregnancy. Thank you, God...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

34 Weeks

 I have had the worst allergy of the century this past week. My blood pressure was 135/75 this morning. I am not sure if these two ailments are related but I think they might be. I have had no high blood pressure symptoms today other than perhaps a sleepiness and feeling a little warm. I took a long nap and have been sipping cold water throughout the day, trying to take it easy. I think it is helping some.

 Other than that there is not a whole lot to report. I am getting excited as I see the patriotic item hitting the shelves as it means that my due date is drawing near. Of course, she may decide to be born a couple weeks early, or a couple weeks late, but the target date is well in sight and that makes me happy.